Hi, my name is Vern Lymburner and I am running for re-election for Mayor of the Town of Valleyview. During my time as Mayor, I have been fortunate to have served with many fine Councillors, Councillors whose prime objective was to make our community a better place to live. I have lived in Valleyview for about 35 years, married to Diana and have 2 sons, a daughter-in-law and two wonderful grand-daughters, Allie and Madi. I came to Valleyview to visit friends 35 years ago and stayed as it’s a great place to live, the people are awesome and friendly.

What do you consider makes you qualified to be mayor?
Having served on Council for many years I have cultivated good relationships with our surrounding Municipalities, the MD of Greenview and Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation, as well as Provincial and Federal government members and administrators. By working together in partnerships we have been able to add facilities and infrastructure for the region to enjoy. A medical clinic, medical helipad for air ambulance and the regional Multiplex to name a few. Working hard with Administration and staff we have reduced our over-all debt by about 7 million to under 1 million, while at the same time paying for any new capital or infrastructure, and at the same time reducing our mill rate by about 30%.
What do you see as priorities for the next four years? Please list three.
Priorities for the next 4 years I foresee to be; 1. Repairing and replacing aging infrastructure, 2. Economic Development, 3. Town beautification.
We have had an infrastructure assessment done on the whole town, evaluated the information received and now have a plan in place combat the problem. We are focusing now on a pro-active rather than a re-active plan. These priorities are always subject to change as different challenges arise. Last year alone we spent almost a million dollars on water treatment plant upgrades.
How will you work with the other members of council to achieve community goals?
As far as difference points of views go, it is great to have different points of views as it gives us the opportunity to learn more about the subject at hand and ultimately a motion will be moved forward, voted on and majority rules for the motion. Once we have made a decision it becomes a Council decision.
How will you work with others who have drastically different views?
As far as difference points of views go, it is great to have different points of views as it gives us the opportunity to learn more about the subject at hand and ultimately a motion will be moved forward, voted on and majority rules for the motion. Once we have made a decision it becomes a Council decision.
Have you volunteered in our community? If so, when and in what capacity?
I have volunteered for many societies over the years, Treasurer for Minor Hockey, manager of hockey teams, Riverside Golf Course, member of the Rec Board and the PAL reading program in the schools. I was once told that volunteers are a major asset of the community and I believe this whole heartedly.
Have you served in a leadership role in the community (i.e as a member of a board, committee, coach, etc.)
As a member of Council I have sat on many boards representing the Town, either locally or provincially.
How will you work to improve the business environment in town?
Economic Development is a complex portfolio. With the Covid crisis the past couple of years it has been difficult to gain any traction in Economic Development. Prior to that we were taking the opportunity when we were visiting other communities to promote our community and what we have to offer. The building of the Greenview Regional Multiplex continues to be a huge selling feature as we try to attract and retain professionals. Finding a fibre optics company to invest in our community will attract those that can work from home as well as businesses who are already here or are looking to relocate here. We continue to work with investors and developers about investing in our community. We also work in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce promoting financial grants supporting upgrading the exterior of buildings. We promote “shop local” and appreciate all those that do as well. Healthy businesses promote healthy communities.
One thing we have noticed is that our Municipal Development Plan can use some minor upgrades and we have earmarked that for the upcoming years. Changes will be discussed and we will be looking for some community input.
Valleyview has experienced decades of near-zero population growth. Do you have any insight or ideas on how to remedy this?
How will you make our community more resilient for the future?
While Valleyview has experienced minimal growth in these tough economic time we are happy it is still a small growth rather that a deficit. A few new house get built every year along with other houses being upgraded as well as the occasional commercial or industrial building being built. While we have had several businesses close their doors, some have been replaced by new ventures in the same buildings. We continue to promote our citizens to support these new ventures as well as all our local businesses. We have weathered the storm and now look forward to finding new opportunities to grow our community. Diversity has always been our strong point as we haven’t had that one big employer who employs hundreds of workers but rather several small employers who employ 20 -30 people. Oil & gas, agriculture and forestry continue to be or strong employers with highway services becoming more prominent.
With regards to truth and reconciliation, how will you move forward?
Truth and Reconciliation will be one of the major items to be addressed by the next Council. We continue our discussion with Chief and Council of Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation so see how we can be of assistance as they deal with the horrific memories and lasting effects of the Residential Schools.
Closing Statement
Council meetings are open to the public and are held on 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month unless changed by holidays. I would applaud previous Councillors as we have made ourselves available to the public any issues or ideas they may have. We consider ourselves just every day citizens much like yourselves trying to make our community better, taking into account budgets and needs of the community. We don’t consider ourselves to have all the answers and we do welcome comments, suggestions and ideas from the community. I would like to invite our friends and neighbors from the MD of Greenview and Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation to join in with ideas and suggestions as we consider the Town of Valleyview to be your community as well and as we work together we can continue to improve and make our community a better place for the whole region.
I was talking to a lady who moved away about 20 years ago and she told me her and her husband had toured around our community and noted what has changed since they left. They were amazed by all the changes and improvements so I took that tour myself. I have driven around many times but this time I paid attention to all these changes and I too was amazed so therefore I invite you to take that tour and see for yourself. I look forward to serving as your Mayor in the next term to continue to move forward with this quest. I humbly ask for your support on Wed the 13th for those who are pre-voting and on the 18th. Vote Vern Lymburner for Mayor