Giving Back- Our Local Food Bank

As efforts to combat the spread of Covid-19 continue food banks around across North America find themselves under more pressure. Due to the pandemic, many of our neighbours find themselves struggling to get by and those that once were regular donors now have less space in their budgets to donate. This pandemic has put a strain on everyone emotionally, mentally and financially forcing many to turn to various programs to relieve the burden. As more people find themselves in financial difficulty our local food bank has had an increase in families seeking assistance.

"More and more people are coming as times get harder" Shela Coogan - Volunteer at the Valleyview Interfaith Food Bank

The Valleyview Interfaith Food Bank is a small, locally-run operation that is there for community members in need. The volunteers get donations from our local grocery stores, businesses and individuals like you.

Businesses Lending A Hand

Chamber members in most communities tend to be civic minded businesses that give back locally. "Co-op is very generous with us, donating bread and pastries" says Coogan going on to explain that without that support fresh goods would be more difficult to provide. She also expressed appreciation for the Pembina staff that help do the shopping for the volunteers at the food bank and the "many other oil companies [that] are very generous also. All donations are greatly appreciated because without their help we wouldn't be able to help the needy."

Other businesses in town also lend a helping hand. Freson Bros. helps the food bank select "the most aggressively priced items" and waives typical product limits. Ryan Durnie, Store Manager of Freson Bros Valleyview, explains "Even though they are all low margin items we never impose limits because we know it's for the good of the community."

"[...] we know it's for the good of the community" Ryan Durnie - Store Manager of Freson Bros Valleyview

Valleyview's home grown billboard company is also pitching in. At the beginning of April they began looking for sponsors to put up "thank you" messages to the essential workers keeping our world going with fifty percent of the sponsorship going to the Food Bank.  Despite having to temporarily close due to pandemic measures one of the first sponsors was the Urban Valley Salon.

"We've always received so much support from our community over the years, so this was a little way for us to say thank you. We are all in this together and you can really feel it in a small community." - Stephanie Baldry - Urban Valley Salon

In these hard times, it's important for everyone to get their basic needs, no one should ever have to go hungry and donating to the food bank helps those who can not afford groceries. In these unprecedented times it's important for everyone to play their part in supporting our amazing community in any way possible. If you have the means please consider donating. Thankfully this town has a strong community spirit as Coogan made a point to mention how it couldn't be done without all the volunteers going on to say "Valleyview is very generous [...] Thank you to everyone from the Food Bank".